I Didn’t Believe It Either
I Didn’t Believe It Either
I Didn't Believe It Either
“I Didn’t Believe it Either” takes you on a compelling journey through Todd’s life as a classic gray area drinker, presenting a façade of having it all together while grappling with a tumultuous relationship with alcohol. With candor and humor, Todd shares his six-year struggle to moderate his drinking and the exhausting battles he faced. In 2019, a whispered revelation from his wife led him to make a life-changing decision: to quit drinking. What may have seemed like a daunting prospect turned into an eye-opening adventure. This raw, honest, and often amusing account of Todd’s path to sobriety in “I Didn’t Believe it Either” will make you rethink the possibilities that come with breaking free from alcohol’s grip, revealing a life more vibrant than he ever imagined.